
Devastated Quality of Private Universities in Indonesia

>> 02 January 2009

The growth of universities in Indonesia is very visible from the rapid emergence of private universities (PTS) in the new provincial level, district/city even at the district level. Despite the DIKTI the Director General clearly said that no more permits for the establishment of a new PT, but still there who can stand.

PTS tight competition and greed that managers of private universities generally are under the foundation of a cause they no longer strive to improve the quality of education in private universities are trying but even enrich the founders of the foundation. Although the Law Foundation has created a new, but until the implementation has not been done. Many of the founders of private universities or owners of the foundation each year or every graduation to buy a house or a new car or enrich themselves while the PTS will not change from year to year whether the facilities, quality staff, teachers and welfare workers and staff instructor.

To do that aims for efficiency can make profits as much as possible not so rare these private universities do the following:

1. Efficiency Facilities. PTS provides the facility is, for example, although in the ad or campaign that they said that the available air-conditioned room, and there are other, but in reality it is not found on the campus of the private universities, so there is room cases that are designed to use AC AC, but the former AC is used several times so that the life is damaged so that one semester, the students study the vessel in the sauna. Promised Internet, but there is only room that is found only computer that can not be used. The library has only a small room that is only a few people so that only students who can read and in the stands with a minimal number of books and from year to year, no additional books. Not to hygiene facilities, which are not, and other so forth. And there are no more education foundation which has 6 private universities to all classes, the regular, evening and weekend where all students are learning in a number of local building with only 11 local.
2. Salaries and Employee efficiency Honor Staff Instructor. In order efiseinsi so many private universities that provide salaries to its employees under the standards are even below the UMR, so turn over the personnel is very high and trigger misuse, such as employees who sell value, and others. Honor teachers teaching staff that is very low, so do not buy books or teaching aids such as slides and other needs for life to one person alone is not enough, so staff are not rare teachers with students as diktat sell the course, students make up script with a sell rating. The wages of lecturers who teach very low, so do not buy books or teaching aids such as slides and other needs for life to one person alone is not enough, so it is not uncommon lecturer with the students, such as selling diktat, makes and sells student essay scores. With the low remuneration that would lead to lecturers to teach in private universities are lecturers who are not qualified, competent and still fresh graduate, so there is a kind of joke that says that "If a dog can talk about and would be cheaper but I can teach at the private universities." If the senior lecturer who has the car to teach, most long resistance to only one semester, not because of the excess income from teaching to buy gasoline alone is not enough.
3. Many other things happened in private universities such as cutting employees' salaries and honorarium faculty, academic aspects, director and head of the PTS is a member of the foundation, the structure of private universities is not running, the system of teaching where a lecturer can teach 10 subjects, the course is not in accordance with the background knowledge lecturer, a lecturer guide more than 10 students, and the examiner is not appropriate science examiner, lecturers still do not have research, dedication community, the number of SKS is minimized, curriculum tailored to the wishes of the science foundation and lecturers would be cheap, fusion classes where one class is used for more than 100 students, regular classes combined to evening classes or weekend classes or vice versa, the money test, cash assistance and money graduation rates, apply a special class where value can be improved with the foundation to pay is not so only the value of D or E, which can only be improved but also the value of C, students entering private universities in the middle of semester, recognition of the value or the conversion value of the institution course, do not accreditation, government assistance is not used as the proposed enrich themselves even foundations, scholarship foundations into account so that the manager is not given rights, payment of taxes, the foundation is always zero and other so.

Posted by Private Universities in Indonesia at 08:34 0 comments
Labels: Devastated, Indonesia, Private University, Quality
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